Check IESCO Bill By Consumer ID

Now the consumer of IESCO can check their electricity bill by their consumer ID. First there was only one way to check the iesco bill that was the 14- digit reference number to check iesco bill. Now you can check you iesco bill by consumer id also.

Where Is Consumer ID?

The consumer of iesco company can easily find the consumer id on the electricity bill. The consumer id is right upward on the reference number. The consumer id consist on 10-Digit number. As you can see shown in the figure below.

IESCO bill consumer ID

How To check IESCO Bill By Consumer ID?

Go to the home page of IESCOBILL.NET. There is  a box below. Where you can find the two option to check your IESCO bill

  1. To check your iesco bill by reference number
  2. To check you iesco bill by Consumer iD

if you want to check you bill by reference number then it is set by default.  No need to do anything just enter your reference number and check you iesco bill

in second option if you can  check your iesco bill by consumer id then you just check the consumer id option and then enter your 10-digit consumer id to check the bill.

For your assistance here is image to show you how you can check you bill

check iesco bill by reference number

in the above image you can check you electricity bill by reference number and from the image below you can check your bill by consumer ID

Enter you consumer id and then click on check bill.

check iesco bill by consumer id